Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Individual 1.2 Prewriting Exercise

This is a free-writing exercise. As such, what you write will be a function of how you write. You should allow yourself to write freely for 10 minutes. Write ideas, phrases, words and thoughts. You need not write in complete sentences or spell things correctly. During the 10 minutes, you should type continuously. If you can't think of anything to write, type your name, the title of the magazine you will write for in 1.2, or simply "I can't think of anything." The moving hand will create a moving mind. In ten minutes, you should type about 300 words. Don't worry if you write down some useless or silly things. You'll have to spill out some junk, but with the junk will come useful creative insight, too. (And don't worry about other people reading your pre-writing. They have better things to do and their pre-writings will be just as "awful.")

Focus on the following while you are writing:
In 1.2, you will draft an article reporting on a recent medical study or advance for a magazine of your choice. You need to include graphics and/or pictures and you need to make it interesting. How do you want to spin this boring information? What is you "thesis" or bent going to be? What pictures and graphics would make this article cool? How are you going to get people to read your important information? How will they know it is important to them?


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