Friday, February 24, 2006

Discussion of "Are you Popular?"

Before we watch:

What does "popularity" connote to you? What are your expectations or prejudices about the 1950s, instructional films, or popularity?
Group activity:

Take ten minutes to discuss the following questions with your group.
  1. What are the implicit and explicit differences between boys and girls? How do boys and girls act differently?
  2. What are "good" and "bad" behaviors? Are they gendered?
  3. How are penalties and rewards handed out for behaviors?
  4. What conclusions can you draw?

Spend the last two minutes of your ten minutes summarizing your answers. A group spokesperson will brief the class.


In-class blogging assignment:

Please spend 10 minutes reflecting on the question below after the group discussion.

Based on our discussion, what conclusions can you make aabout gender expectations for white middle class teens in the 1950s?


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